A panel discussion on the theme Revisiting Legal Education and the Legal Profession in India was recently organised by the Co-Draft Academy of Law.Panellists at the event held last Saturday included Justices TS Sivagnanam and N Kirubakaran of the Madras High Court, Senior Advocates Arvind Datar and Guru Krishna Kumar, and Advocate Chitra Narayan
Co-Draft Academy of Law enters its fourth year in imparting legal drafting and other allied skills to junior lawyers and law students through its Finishing School for Law. 2000 students have been trained so far across the country, through classroom and institutional training on legal drafting.
I have learnt a lot from these 2 months of coaching from Co-Draft Academy. Madam Maheshwary Mohan is a gem of a person sharing her precious knowledge and wisdom amongst us. The other mentors have also been very knowledgeable in their respective spheres of law and their knowledge and wisdom has also helped us in understanding of those laws.